Scottish Bound: The NHSCOT Book Club – Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon
We’re very excited to announce that Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon is our next book club selection. We are working on getting together with Ms Gabaldon in some format, but we will keep you posted on that as we have news. Right now, it’s time to get reading – and we know that many of you Outlander fans are probably way ahead of us on that! This book is also available as an audio book.
This story takes place in 1779 with the The Revolutionary War coming ever closer to Fraser’s Ridge. We’ll have lots to talk about…have your questions ready. We look forward to seeing you on May 12th at 6 o’clock PM on Zoom!
If you are new to our book club, register by clicking on the link – http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/regform?llr=tv9n7ljab&oeidk=a07ej0f79g8b931ffde
No need to register again if you have joined us in the past, we will send you a Zoom link about 24 hours before the Book Club. Happy reading!