Scottish Bound: The NHSCOT Book Club – Stonelifting by Martin Jancsics co-authored by Dr. Bill Crawford

Our third book featured in 2021 is Stonelifting: An Ancient Test of Strength Revived by one of our favorite NH Highland Games athletes, Martin Jancsics co-authored by Dr Bill Crawford. We will meet up on Zoom to talk with Martin on August 19th at 6 PM.
Registration is free – you will receive a Zoom link shortly beforehand. If you registered for the Book Club once, you do not need to register again.
Stonelifting: An Ancient Test of Strength Revived – Training with and lifting stones will shape you into a very strong and powerful individual. It can arguably be said that lifting a stone to a great height is the ultimate test of strength. Throughout time strength and the desire to be strong has been the back bone of an individual’s ability and willingness to be better. Lifting Stones provides a natural test of strength and challenge that stems back thousands of years, stones that were lifted to make the step from being known as a boy and welcomed into manhood and as a test of strength, both as a competition and as an individual’s sacred and personal contest against the stone. In this book you will read about stones that are situated round Scotland and Iceland which had been used as such a test of strength, as a result of this these stones have a hidden history behind each and every one with stories and tales that will have you rushing to lift them, testing your own abilities and becoming part of the stones unique history. You will learn about correct lifting technique and form, gym exercises that will push you further in your stonelifting strength abilities, and how to train with stones alone. Learn the science behind stonelifting with ‘The Basic 10’, which is the 10 individual aspects to be taken into consideration before lifting each stone, and ‘The 10 Building Blocks of Stonelifting’, a guide to preparing you to lift as well as lifting a stone as high up and away from the ground as you can. Learn the lifting technique and training methods that will prepare you to lift any stone in your path, like, the famous Dinnie Stones, Inver Stone, Testing Stone Of The Fianna, Barevan Stone that sits in the ruins of an old Scottish church yard and Iceland’s Husafell Stone as well as many more. This book can be purchased on Amazon.com